Project Information
:The aim of this project was to use the range of chemical databases and the Internet to find out as much as possible about Sildenafil Citrate. A web compiler, Hot Metal Pro 5, was then used to compile the information into web page format. The following information outlines the various databases etc. used.
The Internet:
A variety of search engines were used to search the Internet for relevant sites, looking under a variety of search strings: The most useful were:
1-HotBot |
2-Lycos |
3-Yahoo |
Particularly useful Websites: | | |
Literature Survey:
The Bids database of chemical abstracts and references was the primary source for literary references. The British library Opac provided further information.
Chemical data.
ChemFinder served as an excellent source for physical data and the structures of various chemical related to the project(Viagra,cGMP etc.) The Brookhaven database provided the structure of the PDE-5 receptor. Daylight provided the means for calculating further physical data (hydrophobicity,polarisability) as well as a structural similarity search using smiles strings(see below). The Brookhaven database of reaction searches did find anything useful.
Chemical structures.
Chemdraw and ISIS draw were used to draw out chemical structures, such as the reaction scheme for sildenafil synthesis. Chemfinder was used to determine smiles strings. Chemdraw 3D was used to minimise energy and determine the 3D structure of Sildenafil, which were then animated with the help of chime plugin.